Articles tagged with

Frequently asked questions when buying a home

By Jorge and Alisa Aragon What do lenders look at when qualifying me for a mortgage? Most lenders look at the following factors when determining whether you qualify for a mortgage: Income Debts Employment History Credit history Value and marketability of the property you wish to purchase. HOW MUCH CAN I QUALIFY FOR WHEN BUYING A HOME? In order to...[ read more ]

Rates 2015 vs 2014 – It's a Lender Spring Shootout!

By Kris Grasty WOW! The big banks have lowered their rates! Two major lenders announced last week that they have lowered their posted rates. While this is great news for shoppers out there and advertised just in time for the Spring Rush, the reality is that bank rates have finally come to a level that has been accessible by Mortgage...[ read more ]